A garden and small nursery in the Lincolnshire Wolds, specializing in hardy garden ferns.

E. Mail.(Contact Us.) neilfernnursery@gmail.com

The garden and nursery are open in summer except Mondays from May ( Open now, early this year 2024.) until September, a small donation in the box provided, funds to the National Garden Scheme is requested from visitors not buying plants. The nursery is open May to September 9am to 4pm. cash, bank transfer or cheques only. Sorry but we can not do card payments outside.

Home Page. Events and Blog. Talks. Links. Ferns. Photo Gallery.

The Fern Nursery, Grimsby Road, Binbrook, Lincolnshire, LN8 6DH
Tel. 01472 398092

Charity openings.

The garden and nursery are also open selected Sundays and bank holidays for charity openings, The National Gardens Scheme. or see Events page for details, and occasional blog. Events At other times, or if coming a long way, it may be best to telephone first, as we sometimes have to close. You are however welcome to walk and picknic in the garden any day except Monday. We can if you wish recommend many other attractions in the Lincolnshire Wolds area of outstanding natural beauty, to make a good day out, see links below.

Also for fun, do see the the foot of this page, for a link to our partners Binbrook Bowling Club's Facebook page.

How to find us.

Leaving the Market Square in Binbrook village, take the B1203 to Grimsby and after travelling 400metres, we are to be found on the left hand side of the road. Binbrook is a half hour drive from the M180 and the same distance from the Lincoln ring road. For Sat-Nav our post code is LN8 6DH.


If you need more advice than you find on the site, on planting, growing, identifying, gardening with ferns or other related gardening matters, we are more than happy to try and help. You can simply email us at the above address, or we will accept letters, frond samples and photographs by post. (Contact Us.)


Visitors may also enjoy seeing the ferns and other plants in our award winning garden , which is open Tuesday to Sunday. We will also provide information on other facilities for visitors in the area, as well as doing guided tours for pre booked groups Garden Clubs , W.I.s etc. please ask.

You may also like to view some photographs, taken by me, of other gardens in Lincolnshire, which also open for the National Gardens Scheme. NGS photographs.


We give talks to gardening clubs and other groups on fern growing and other gardening subjects , if you might be interested please get in touch. See the link above.


We are now hosting Binbrook Wildlife. A non profit group who grow wild flowers and insect friendly plants for planting out. You will be able to see their projects this summer, at the nursery. You may also find them on Facebook. Binbrook wildlife.

Follow our blog to find out what we are doing, or visit other wonderful Linconshire Gardens on these Facebook Pages.

The Fern Nursery

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NGS Lincolnshire

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Binbrook Bowling Club

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