If you are a member of a garden club, social club or natural history group, you may be interested in the talks, (all illustrated with original photographs), which are available from the Fern Nursery, and listed below. We can also offer group visits to our Lincolnshire garden and nursery, with if you wish refreshments and guided tours of the nursery and garden.
New. The Gardens of Lincolnshire and the National Gardens Scheme.
A view of Lincolnshire's many varied gardens, including most of the major public gardens, and especially those which open for the N. G. S. charity. Great inspiring photographs of many beautiful gardens. Pick your favourites for future visits. Plus, learn about the history of the famous Yellow Book, a gardeners experiences opening a garden for charity, and the rewards that follow if you should do so yourself. Special price, 20-00p + expenses.
Astride the Garden Fence.
Wild flowers in the garden, garden escapees in the wild, and some that belong to both worlds. Growing wild flowers in the garden, and the stories they tell.
Cost.- 2-50p per person in audience, up to 84 max, + expences.
World of Ferns
A wide ranging talk about all aspects of ferns, their Natural History, Economic Uses,
Folklore, where to see them, and of course all about growing them in the garden. We aim to make this much more than a catalogue of plants. We can also bring plants for sale.
Cost.- 2-50p per person in audience, up to 84 max, + expences.
most of the basic principles that the amateur gardener should need to
know. Should help you gain confidence to tackle even quite
challenging subjects. Practical demonstration.
Cost.- 2-50p per person in audience, + expences.
Wild Ferns
A version of the 'World of Ferns' especially suited to wildlife groups, a wide ranging talk about all aspects of ferns, their Natural History, Economic Uses,
Folklore, where to see them, how to put names to some of them, and fern conservation.
Cost.- 2-50p per person in audience, up to 84 max, + expences.
A Gardeners South.
A gardener's, perhaps quirky, personal views of the gardens, landscapes and wild flowers of the Mediterranean and the sub- tropics, especially what we can grow here in Britain and how the south has influenced northern gardening in the past.
Cost.- 2-50p per person in audience, up to 84 max, + expences.
Life of a Landscaper.
A light hearted look at the life of a garden designer, his customers and gardens
, but this talk will, still help you with your own garden covering as it does the basics
of layout and planning.
Cost.- 2-50p per person in audience, up to 84 max, + expences.
Flower Show.
All about a nurseries experiences at garden shows, how we do it, why we do it, who we meet there, and what to look for if you visit a show.
Cost.- 2-50p per person in audience, up to 84 max, + expences.
"Please don't turn your backs to the camera."
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